With swine flu worries all over the world, we are all reminded of the importance to keep healthy. Keeping hydrated is one extremely important aspect of staying healthy. For the past few days it has been cold and rainy where I live, and I unfortunately became lazy about drinking. I woke up rather nauseous today and remembered again that- I need water!
It's funny how sometimes we tend to overlook the importance of water and tend to just go for the "tastier" (and more fattening!) alternatives which are not necessarily better than water.
Keep Hydrated
If you've been doing yoga asanas, you've probably noticed that they can cause you to perspire a lot, especially in hot climates. But don't worry, sweating is good for your health. It cools down the body and eliminates toxins. However, if you perspire a lot without drinking enough fluids, your body can dehydrate, and this can cause both minor and major health problems.
In general, you should drink between 6 to 10 glasses of water each day. If it's hot and you plan to exercise vigorously, you can drink more. Some yoga asanas should not be done too soon after drinking. But an hour or two before you exercise, you can drink a couple of large glasses of water. Then, around 20 minutes before you begin your session, you can have another small drink. For example, if you drive to a class or to a park to do yoga, it's more sensible to drink well before you leave so you're not thirsty when you arrive. If you forget, though, a few sips of water right before you start won't hurt.
If you do yoga outside, the best times are in the morning and late afternoon when it's not too hot. Practicing in the hot midday sun may dehydrate your body and drain your energy.
Just remember that before you do asanas, you should empty your bladder. And if while practicing you feel the urge to go, go right away. Otherwise, you'll feel uncomfortable and won't be able to relax.