Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tips to Improve Your Health by Juicing

Below is a short article about how to improve your health with juicing:
Tips to Improve Your Health by Juicing
When trying to incorporate raw foods into one's diet, juicing is a very effective way to add in large amounts of different raw foods. Many people have a large build-up of mucoid plaque within the intestines because of poor diets. When this happens, the body is severely limited in its ability to absorb necessary nutrients from foods eaten. Juicing will encourage and improve this absorption; and juicing is a very easy way to accomplish this.

Vegetable juicing is preferable over fruit juicing because fruit juice often increases insulin levels. Carrot and beet juices are an exception to this, however, because these vegetables juice similarly to fruit juices.

Another advantage of vegetable juicing is that by juicing the vegetables instead of eating them normally, one can consume many more vegetables than would ordinarily be possible. It is possible to consume one pound of raw vegetables per fifty pounds of body weight when consumed by juicing.

Tips for Optimal Juicing:

- Mix the pulp back into the juice because it is very high in fiber. This fiber will help with elimination and helps promote beneficial bacteria levels within the colon.
- The best juice is fresh juice. The ideal situation is to drink vegetable juice immediately after juicing. If carefully stored, however, vegetable juice can be stored for up to 24 hours with only a moderate nutritional loss.
- To store vegetable juice, pour into a clean, glass jar (opaque if possible) and cover with an airtight lid. Avoid as much airspace as possible in the container because oxygen will oxidize the juice and diminish the nutritional content.
- When consuming stored vegetable juice, allow it to sit at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes prior to drinking.


Be sure to check out Wai Lana's Juice book for the most tasty and healthy juice recipes!