Nothing loosens up my body- not just my neck- my whole body- like Wai Lana Yoga.
End Neck Pain in 3 Moves
Three strength-building sessions per week can reduce neck pain by a whopping 80 percent in less than three months, according to Denmark's National Research Centre for the Working Environment, which studied 42 women ages 36 to 52.
Researchers believe that strength-training—they used the three moves below—may help generate new muscle in place of injured tissue.
For each, keep knees slightly bent. Using 2- to 5-pound dumbbells, do three sets of eight to 12 reps, three times a week on nonconsecutive days.
* Shoulder shrugs: Hold arms at sides, palms facing in. Keeping arms straight, pull shoulders up to ears, pause for a second, and lower.
* Reverse flies: Bend forward so chest faces floor, arms hanging down, palms in. With elbows slightly bent, squeeze shoulder blades and raise arms to sides, parallel to floor; pause, then lower.
* Upright row: Start with palms in front of thighs and facing legs. Bend elbows out to sides, and pull weights up to about collarbone level. Pause, then lower.