Red Cross Offers Flu-Prevention Tips for Kids
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 —
As parents and teachers know, children have a way of picking up colds and other illnesses at school. As the number of swine flu (H1N1 Flu Outbreak) cases increases in the U.S., it becomes even more important to teach kids how to stay healthy.
Teach Good Health Habits
Proper and consistent hand washing is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of flu. Teach kids by example by showing them proper hand washing technique:
* Wet hands with water and apply an amount of soap recommended by the manufacturer to hands.
* Rub hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds, covering all surfaces of the hands and giving added attention to fingernails and surfaces where jewelry is worn.
* Rinse hands with water.
* Dry thoroughly with a disposable towel.
* Use towel to turn off faucet.
For younger children who may rush their hand washing, have them sing a short song such as "Row Row Row Your Boat," or the "Happy Birthday"song, which will ensure they wash for at least 20 seconds. Placing hand-washing reminders at children's eye level will also help them become consistent hand washers.
Teach kids to adopt these other healthy habits in order to prevent the spread of germs:
* Avoid sharing objects such as utensils, cups, and bottles.
* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands afterwards. If tissue-less, cough or sneeze into your elbow or upper arm, not your hands.
* Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth to keep germs from entering your body.
Parents should also prepare for the potential spread of swine flu by talking with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick. Also ask your child's school or day care if there are plans to encourage sick children to stay home to reduce the spread of the disease.
The Scrub Club
Educational Tools
Parents and teachers can reinforce kids' hand-washing habits by using tools such as The Scrub Club®, an interactive Web site that offers free materials to raise awareness about the benefits of hand washing to fight germs and prevent illness. The fun, Web-based experience is complete with educational materials, music, games and cartoon "Webisodes."
The Scrub Club® is being used by hundreds of schools nationwide, and teachers continue to integrate the Scrub Club educational activities into their daily curriculum. These educational materials are currently available in French, English and Spanish.
The American Red Cross and NSF International (NSF) have collaborated to help protect public health. Collectively, NSF, the Red Cross and seven "soaper-heroes"are teaching children the importance of proper and consistent hand washing through the Scrub Club®. Through this partnership, the two organizations are helping educate communities across the nation about the benefits of handwashing to fight germs and prevent illness.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Red Cross Offers Flu-Prevention Tips for Kids
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Keep Hydrated!

With swine flu worries all over the world, we are all reminded of the importance to keep healthy. Keeping hydrated is one extremely important aspect of staying healthy. For the past few days it has been cold and rainy where I live, and I unfortunately became lazy about drinking. I woke up rather nauseous today and remembered again that- I need water!
It's funny how sometimes we tend to overlook the importance of water and tend to just go for the "tastier" (and more fattening!) alternatives which are not necessarily better than water.
Keep Hydrated
If you've been doing yoga asanas, you've probably noticed that they can cause you to perspire a lot, especially in hot climates. But don't worry, sweating is good for your health. It cools down the body and eliminates toxins. However, if you perspire a lot without drinking enough fluids, your body can dehydrate, and this can cause both minor and major health problems.
In general, you should drink between 6 to 10 glasses of water each day. If it's hot and you plan to exercise vigorously, you can drink more. Some yoga asanas should not be done too soon after drinking. But an hour or two before you exercise, you can drink a couple of large glasses of water. Then, around 20 minutes before you begin your session, you can have another small drink. For example, if you drive to a class or to a park to do yoga, it's more sensible to drink well before you leave so you're not thirsty when you arrive. If you forget, though, a few sips of water right before you start won't hurt.
If you do yoga outside, the best times are in the morning and late afternoon when it's not too hot. Practicing in the hot midday sun may dehydrate your body and drain your energy.
Just remember that before you do asanas, you should empty your bladder. And if while practicing you feel the urge to go, go right away. Otherwise, you'll feel uncomfortable and won't be able to relax.
drinking water,
Wai Lana
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Be Beautiful Naturally with Wai lana
There are countless tips and advice from health and beauty experts all around the world. Some people say, wash your face a few hours before bed, go to sleep with conditioner in your hair, sleep on your back to prevent extra wrinkles on one side of your face, etc. But one thing that is important is also to make sure that your attempts to be beautiful physically will not be a cause of cancer or other diseases later on in your life. That's why I, a long time fan of Wai Lana, am absolutely thrilled that she has come out with a line of beauty products. I've been using her shampoos and soaps, and it's definitely helped get rid of some of my stubborn skin allergies!
Do try Wai Lana's natural beauty products to stay beautiful and healthy.
Do try Wai Lana's natural beauty products to stay beautiful and healthy.
Japan's 'Exam Hell' Hits Preschool

Wen ids are this stressed out, they should also balance out the pressure and the fun. The best way to let them loosen up and relax - which in turn, will help them do better in their studies, is through Wai lana's Little Yogis Daydream kit. Happy learning! Happy resting!
Japan's 'Exam Hell' Hits Preschool
TOKYO, April 26, 2009
It's a quiet afternoon in suburban Tokyo as a well-dressed boy and his mother enter Nikken, a cram school for kindergartners and preschoolers. The mother bows to staff, confirms a pickup time, and drives off in her Mercedes as the boy hunkers down at that most iconic of Japanese institutions: the cram school.
Japan's 'exam hell' now reaches into preschool
In Japan, the pressure to get onto the right path in life now extends all the way down to preschools. Parents and kids stress over exams and suit up to make a good impression and get onto the right track early.
Japan's juken, or "exam hell," has long evoked images of stressed kids competing for slots at top universities in an all-or-nothing exam. But this approach has increasingly moved down the ladder.
Now, in what is known as ojuken, nursery-schoolers are doing worksheets and attending special classes to secure a seat in primary school that their parents hope will ensure their long-term success.
The reasons for the shift are complex. Japan's youth population is declining, and many colleges are scrambling to fill seats -- something that should make it easier to get into all but the most exclusive schools.
Instead, many parents are ever more relentlessly seeking competitive advantages, especially as the economic downturn makes competition for jobs more intense.
"The low birthrate does seem to be pushing parents to give all they can to the one child," says Makoto Kobari, an associate professor at Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto. "It's an act of selective extravagance."
"There's definitely an ojuken craze heating up," says Naoki Ogi, head of the Practical Education Research Institute in Tokyo. But, he adds, "we're talking about a very limited part of society that this is happening in."
No formal data exist on the ojuken population. But the competition for the schools parents are targeting can be fierce: For the class entering Tokyo's Keio Gijuku Yochisha elementary school in 2008, for example, there were 2,468 applicants for 144 spots. In recent years, applicant numbers at Keio have steadily increased, up 10 percent over 2006.
The examination process itself takes place between November and December, with the school year starting in April. But ojuken is a year-round business. At Nikken, most families enroll children for two years and typically spend $22,000 on tuition.
Continue reading
Friday, April 24, 2009
Jet lag
It is always nice to jump into the ocean after a long flight. It just brings balance to your whole body and helps negate the effects of radiation and etc that occurs in your body during a flight.
Here's an interesting blog post on how jet lag affects the brain:
Here's an interesting blog post on how jet lag affects the brain:
How jet lag affects our brains
It’s funny sometimes how our work content crosses over into our real lives. A case of art imitating life? For the last several weeks, I have been jet lagged, big time. It started when I was in India a few weeks ago. The trip there wasn’t bad and I managed to get on a schedule pretty quickly once I hit the ground. Once I got back, though, I had a very hard time shaking it. About a week later, I was still lying awake at 3 a.m. feeling as if I had been run over by a Mack truck. Right when I getting back on track, I flew to the West Coast and started the whole process all over again. And, I just got in from LA late last night. No question, I do travel a lot, but I was always curious: What is really happening in my brain when I am jet lagged?
The area of the brain that is most crucial to all of this is the hypothalamus. It is a key area of the brain, and most specifically the suprachiasmatic nucleus (that’s a name to remember…) contains tens of thousands of neurons whose main function is to regulate our circadian rhythms, our body clocks. (read jet lag study) In neurosurgical terms, this area is completely “out of whack” when we travel. But, it is more than that.
There are two types of neurons that individually represent our deep sleep and REM sleep. The deep sleep neurons do synch up within a day, even after a significant overseas trip but it is those neurons overseeing REM sleep that take much longer. Without REM sleep, which is the type of sleep that allows you to dream, you are going to feel more fatigued, have lapses in memory and general decreased performance.
Now, as you might imagine, researchers who figured this out in rats have already told us they are looking into the possibility of a “jet lag” drug to target the suprachiasmatic neurons in the hypothalamus regulating REM sleep patterns (I feel smart just writing that). Yes, I am convinced that one day there will be a pill for everything, but I am not a big fan of pills, so here are some techniques I have learned over the years. (watch Sanjay’s personal tips)
I immediately change my clock to the new time zone when getting on the plane. If possible, I will try to go to bed an hour earlier each night for a couple of nights prior to the trip. As you might imagine, starting off sleep deprived is not a good idea. I take eye blinders and a heavy sweater on all flights, so I can sleep even during daylight. As I mentioned, sleeping pills aren’t really my thing, though I have a few frequent traveler friends who swear by melatonin. In case you can’t remember how to take this supplement, think of it as the “darkness hormone.” It is made when it is dark outside and suppressed by light. You take it about an hour before bedtime – of your new location.
Please excuse all typos – I was jet lagged when I wrote this. And, I was wondering if you had any more tips to ward off jet lag to help me and other travelers?
Interesting news,
jet lag,
medical blogs,
Sanjay gupta,
the brain,
Wailana yoga
A Tropical Alternative to Almonds
This is interesting news aside from the fact that Macadamias are actually native to Australia, and not Hawaii:
I LOVE macadamias.
A Tropical Alternative to Almonds
Have you grown tired of walnuts and almonds? Try this tasty nut Hawaii is known for: macadamia nuts.
Turns out they’re on the heart-healthy list -- even though they contain saturated fat. In a study, a diet enhanced with macadamias significantly lowered both total and LDL cholesterol.
Heart-Friendly Fats
The fact that macadamias are so rich in unsaturated fats -- more than almost any other nut -- appears to make up for the fact that they also contain some saturated fat. And here’s the heart-healthy proof: When people with moderately high cholesterol ate an average American diet for 5 weeks, then a diet with a handful of macadamia nuts mixed in daily for another 5 weeks, the nut diet lowered total and LDL cholesterol about 9 percent more than the nut-free fare. Check out how macadamias rank among other nuts when it comes to heart-healthy fats.
The Nuts and Bolts
But keep in mind that although the study diets were controlled so that they both had the same amount of total fat, the nut diet had less saturated fat and more monounsaturated fat. So if you eat macadamias, use them to kick out a source of unhealthy fat in your diet -- don't just add them to what you already eat. For example, use them in a healthier version of the classic shortcake dessert -- like Roasted Pineapple Shortcakes.
I LOVE macadamias.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Celebrate Earth Day with Wai lana

Earth Day – April 22nd
Wai Lana
Earth Day is a special day for me. It gives me a chance to remember Mother Earth and the wonderful gifts she constantly provides for us—glorious landscapes, majestic bodies of water, fresh air, immense beauty, and a wonderful and vast variety of fresh herbs, plants, and foods. It also gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce you to these new natural products that I have developed specifically with Mother Earth in mind.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Stretch and Play- Yoga Eco Ball
This looks like great fun! I wish this had all been around when I was a kid.
Coming Soon: Wai Lana's Little Yogis™
Stretch n Play Eco ball
Kids can roll, bounce, and balance on the ball to get fit, strong, and flexible
* Suitable for children aged 3 and up
* Exercising on the ball enhances strength, focus, and balance
* Fun games develop eye-hand coordination
* More than 20 exercises and 4 games on one colorful poster
Kit includes:
* Yellow kid-sized yoga ball made from phthalate-free PVC
* Easy foot pump for quick inflation
* Cute illustrated poster with exercises and games
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The New Allergy Zones
This is very useful information for people with allergies- myself included!
Abc Health News
The New Allergy Zones
Surprising Places Where Irritants Lurk, and Easy Ways to Get Rid of Them
April 17, 2009
The spring allergy season has sprung -- and wrought plenty of discomfort for the approximately 35 million Americans with seasonal allergies. Pollen may not be all that's making your eyes water and nose run, though. Surprising allergens lurk in unexpected places in your home and make you feel even worse. In fact, the list of sneeze-inducing culprits is long: animal dander, mold, dust, and dust mites (tiny insects that thrive on organic matter, primarily flakes of skin), as well as pollen carried into the house from outside. But these irritants are manageable--and getting a handle on them will help reduce your symptoms. We went to four top experts for the unexpected sources of your sneezes and some room-by-room tips for eliminating them.
Abc Health News
ABC news,
getting rid of allergies,
Wai Lana
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Surprise Nutritionist No-Nos
Surprise Nutritionist No-Nos
2% Milk
The FDA allows 2% milk to be labeled reduced-fat, but that's a relative term (whole milk is 3.25% fat). Calorically speaking, the difference between whole and 2% milk isn't all that impressive: 150 calories for a cup of whole milk vs. 120 for a cup of 2%. Skim milk, on the other hand, has the same protein and calcium content as whole and 2%, but weighs in at 80 fat-free calories per cup. Assuming you drink a cup a day, switching to skim will save you more than 14,000 calories in a year's time. That simple substitution translates to a four-pound yearly weight loss!
Whole Wheat Bagels
While it's true that whole grains, and products made from whole grains, are much healthier than their refined flour counterparts, some whole grain foods are not worth the calories. Take bagels, for instance. A big, New York-style whole wheat bagel has just as many calories (350 or more) as one made with white flour. Definitely stick with whole grains when it comes to bread products, but instead of your Sunday morning bagel and lox ritual, try a toasted whole grain English muffin (130 calories) and lox instead. You'll save at least 200 calories, and who doesn't love all those nooks and crannies?!
Chicken Caesar Salad
It's easy to see why our next trickster, Chicken Caesar salad, leads people astray. After all, aren't we constantly being told to eat more vegetables, and to choose lean sources of protein? But McDonald's Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken contains 410 calories and 24 grams of fat, while their Quarter Pounder has the same number of calories, and even less fat. And that's nothing compared to the classic Chicken Caesar salad recipes you'll find at local restaurants and chains, which contain approximately 1,100 calories and 96 grams of fat.
The culprits, of course, are the creamy Caesar dressing and oil-soaked croutons. Nearly half the calories in McDonald's salad comes from the dressing, so if you switch to their low-fat balsamic vinaigrette, you save 150 calories, as well as 15 grams of fat. The calories in a classic Chicken Caesar almost anywhere can be nearly slashed in half if you lose the croutons and substitute a teaspoon of olive oil (two dashes) and unlimited vinegar for the dressing. Can't live without the Caesar dressing? Request it on the side and go easy!
This cereal was invented in 1863, and then revived 100 years later in the "crunchy granola" 1960's. Originally a simple mixture of rolled oats, nuts, and honey, granola has morphed into a product its 19th century creator would hardly recognize. Bear Naked's latest "all natural" flavor contains 21 ingredients, including four types of sweeteners, chocolate, and peanut butter. It's also 140 calories per ¼ cup (that's a whopping 280 per serving!). Even low-fat granola packs a caloric punch. One serving of Health Valley's Real Oat Bran Almond Crunch clocks in at 200 calories. Consider that the average breakfast bowl holds about two cups of cereal, and you see why granola spells "trouble."
TIP: If you really like starting your day with granola, stick with ¼ cup, and mix it with a less caloric cereal, like Bran Flakes or plain Cheerios. Another option is to sprinkle one to two tablespoons on low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.
Fruit Smoothies
Sure, all that fruit makes smoothies healthier than a milk shake, but your waist doesn't know the difference between the calories in berries, bananas, soy milk, and antioxidant "boosts," and those in ice cream, whole milk, and chocolate syrup. In fact, Jamba Juice's original size Peanut Butter Moo'd® smoothie contains an astounding 840 calories. That's 160 calories more than a medium chocolate shake at Burger King!
You can still enjoy smoothies, just order smart or make your own. "Jamba Light" options contain 150-160 calories per 16-ounce serving, and the same size "All Fruit" selections are 200-220 calories. If you have a blender, try pureeing a sliced banana, one cup of strawberries, one cup of skim milk, and ice to taste. This healthy homemade concoction contains about 230 calories, and will save you lots of dough (smoothies can be pricey!).
Yahoo Health News.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Noni Capsules, for life
I just got a gift of these. I think they're a great gift for health, for life! :)

Noni Capsules
Healing, Pure & Simple
A healthy, easy-to-swallow dose of noni made from 100% pure, dehydrated noni in vegetarian capsules. We use a patented dehydration process to preserve the noni's nutritional value in this dry capsule form. Our capsules are made from sun-ripened, hand-picked noni fruit grown year-round in Hawaii’s rich volcanic soils.
Provides Antioxidant Power
Contains potent antioxidants, such as vitamin C and polysaccharides, to help protect your body at a cellular level from premature aging, heart disease, and many other disorders.
Improves Immune Function
Helps boost and regulate your immune system so that it functions more efficiently and you’re better able to ward off colds, flus, infections, and disease.
Enhances Digestion
Supplies a wealth of digestive enzymes that improve digestive function, letting you absorb and assimilate more nutrients and experience increased health, energy, and vitality.
Cleanses and Detoxifies
Cleanses and protects the liver and helps your body neutralize and eliminate toxins.
Eases Inflammation
Has both analgesic (painkilling) and anti-inflammatory properties.
Suggested use: As a whole-food dietary supplement, take 2 capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. May be dissolved in water or fruit juice.
This product does not contain animal byproducts and has not been tested on animals. Dietary supplement guaranteed to be FREE of corn, milk, soy, salt, sugar, wheat, yeast, artificial flavors, and preservatives.
Contains 60 veggie caps (620 mg)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fun Songs for the Kid in All of Us
Fun Songs for the Kid in All of Us
November 18, 2005
Get ready to dance, laugh, and sing your way through each day. This week, Wai Lana, popular host of the long-running PBS series Wai Lana Yoga, gives us her Little Yogis Fun Songs. The perfect Christmas present, this charming CD offers 12 catchy tunes with intelligent, playful lyrics that will warm everyone’s hearts. This gem of an album is a stocking stuffer you can truly feel good about giving.
Perfect for kids aged 3 to 99, Fun Songs combines Wai Lana’s beautiful, inspiring vocals with some of the world’s finest musicians. You’ll bounce, giggle, and roar through a musical adventure that takes everyone through the mighty jungle, stormy mountains, and fabulous yoga fun. These engaging, imaginative tunes really do create a healthy, happy world for kids to thrive in.
“Kids always want to have fun, so I really wanted to give them entertainment that moves them in a positive direction,” says Wai Lana. “But as I worked on this CD, I realized it was something special—that it wasn’t limited to just children but was for anyone who wants more laughter and energy in their life.”
Fun Songs comes with a delightfully illustrated songbook filled with favorite Little Yogis characters and complete song lyrics. The Fun Songs CD is the latest addition to Wai Lana’s growing Little Yogis line, which already includes exercise and relaxation DVDs, music CDs, books, mats, kits, and games. She’ll follow her CD release with a slew of Fun Songs goodies, including puzzles, game cards, activity books, paper dolls, cartoons, and more.
Press Contact:
Angie Smith
Tel. 800-624-9163
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Tel. 800-228-5145
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
How to Help Your Child Enjoy the Benefits of Yoga

How to Help Your Child Enjoy the Benefits of Yoga
Anna Montage, Health and Wellness Editor
With the new school year underway, many kids are experiencing new teachers, new classes, and new friends. This is also a great time to start your child on a healthy new habit—yoga. Children today often face the same obstacle to health and happiness that all of us face: stress. Yoga not only helps relieve stress, it provides so many other benefits for children:
* Strengthen, stretch and tone muscles
* Improve balance and coordination
* Increase bodily awareness
* Learn to listen and follow directions
* Laugh and have fun.
This month we’d like to offer some helpful tips for starting your child off on the energizing, calming, and fun path of yoga.
The Younger, the Better
Children are just like little sponges, soaking up everything around them. The earlier you’re able to influence them to engage in healthy activities, the more likely they are to enjoy and stick with them over a lifetime.
Even children as young as one year can learn simple poses like Stretching Dog. Kids naturally stretch, twist, and bend. If you see your tot doing something that resembles yoga, you can tell them, “Yoga!” It becomes a fun thing that’s easy and natural for them to do.
The Wai Lana Little Yogis videos and DVDs were made just for the purpose of getting kids into yoga; the bright colors, fun songs, and yoga cartoons act like a magnet for your child’s attention.
In the beginning, children may enjoy just watching the video. As they become more familiar with the poses, they’ll gradually begin to attempt them on their own.
Set an Example
If you practice yoga, even if only occasionally, your child will be that much more likely to practice yoga too. As your child comes to love yoga, it will also make it easier for you to do your own yoga practice; you may quickly find that your child is doing yoga right alongside you. You may also find that your desire to set a nice example increases your motivation to practice yoga regularly.
Make Yoga a Social Activity
Children, especially those age 5 and up, love being with their friends. You can encourage your child to invite friends over to do yoga together. They’ll laugh and giggle as they watch each other learn new fun poses.
The Wai Lana Little Yogis coloring books, Fun Songs CD, stickers, and other fun stuff provide more enjoyable ways for children to have fun together while promoting a lifelong love of yoga.
Give a Little Personalized Guidance
Every child learns differently. Especially if your child is very young, he or she may benefit from occasional guidance to help them master the Little Yogis yoga poses. Even attempting the yoga poses offers tremendous benefit for your child, so there’s no need to worry about whether he or she gets them just right or not. However, all children love encouragement and their parents’ attention.
A Healthy Yoga Diet Makes It Easier to Do Yoga
Most of us have such hectic and busy schedules that it’s hard to eat as healthy a diet as we would like. However, especially for children, a balanced yoga diet, with emphasis on fruits and vegetables, dairy products, legumes and whole grains, will make it easier for your child to have the energy and enthusiasm for regular yoga practice.
Practicing yoga will naturally make your child more attracted to eating healthy foods, and the opposite is also true—eating a healthy diet will naturally help increase your child’s attraction for yoga.
Our mission at Wai Lana Yoga is to help you and your little ones enjoy the wonderful lifelong benefits of yoga.
Wai Lana Yoga
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wai Lana, children’s yoga teacher and host of the long-running PBS television series Wai Lana Yoga, makes the world of children’s yoga greener this month with her new Little Yogis Eco Mat.
The Little Yogis Eco Mat is designed to provide children with a safe, stable foundation for building a yoga practice that will start them on a lifelong path of health and well-being. At the same time, it uses nontoxic, ecologically sustainable materials that are kid-friendly and planet-friendly too.
"As a parent, I’ve enjoyed watching my own children grow up to embrace healthy lifestyles," says Wai Lana, "and I know that a little encouragement when they’re young goes a long way. That is why I’m pleased to be able to offer parents fun and healthy products for children that are also good for the planet."
Wai Lana’s Little Yogis Eco Mat has a sticky, nonslip surface that helps kids keep their footing while they practice yoga and is decorated with a cute cartoon print of Wai Lana and her Little Yogis friends. It is free from phthalates, phenols, dioxins, and furans, making it safer for the planet and for children.
Order now!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Celebrating the New Year with Health and Happiness
Celebrating the New Year with Health and Happiness
Anna Montage, Health and Wellness Editor
By now you’ve probably already pondered your New Year’s resolutions for this year. Of course, fitness and weight loss goals are right at the top of the list for most of us. But unfortunately, most people who make these resolutions year after year find that they just don’t have the determination to stick with them.
What’s the solution? Well, think of it like this: A resolution is something you have to be determined to do because it’s hard—you don’t naturally want to do it. So instead of making health and fitness resolutions this year, why not make it a year of health and fitness celebrations? After all, a celebration is not only a lot more fun, but it also brings about a sense of gratitude for what we already have, not just dissatisfaction with what we lack.
Sound crazy? Not at all! Yoga is a timeless, ancient method for inducing a relaxation response in the body and mind. This relaxation response can bring about lowered blood pressure, a decreased heart rate and an increase in those “feel good” hormones called endorphins. And of course, we always feel better when we are relaxed, fit and looking our best. Yoga is like a spa vacation that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere. Even when you’re not able to practice yoga asanas, you can always listen to one of Wai Lana’s beautiful and soothing yoga soundtracks, such as Yoga Sound or Yoga Music of the Heart.
Wai Lana has made it her specialty to help people enjoy the full benefits of yoga while simultaneously enjoying beautiful scenery, beautiful music and a lighthearted approach to health and exercise. (By the way, if you’ve never checked out Wai Lana’s Smile video on her website, take a look anytime you’re feeling a little down or discouraged!)
So here are some practical suggestions for celebrating health and happiness this New Year:
* Spread the word. It’s so much more fun to live and eat healthfully when you’re helping others enjoy the same benefits. We can do plenty to encourage our friends and family members without being at all pushy. For example, invite friends or family over for a delicious meal that’s packed with flavor and nutrition. Everybody loves to eat, but many people just haven’t experienced how delicious healthy food can be. For recipe ideas, check out some of Wai Lana’s favorite recipes on her website.
* If you have children, have fun teaching them to be healthy. It’s never too early to start teaching children how “yummy” and “delicious” healthy foods are and how “yucky” processed junk foods are. Your kids will laugh as you make funny faces to illustrate just how undesirable this stuff is. Kids naturally love bright, colorful foods—which makes fresh fruits and vegetables perfect for a happy and healthy diet. Although kids are bombarded with advertising almost from birth, the truth is that you are the most important authority in their lives. With the right blend of persistence and humor, you may be surprised at how quickly your child becomes immune to that inconveniently placed display of candy bars at the grocery store checkout.
* Make every meal a celebration of your health. Rather than making healthful foods the exception, make them the rule. Soon you’ll be so attracted to the vibrant, fresh flavors of fresh fruits and vegetables that you’ll find yourself drawn to the produce section of the grocery store and happy to avoid the foods that are devoid of nutrition and vitality.
* Yoga, yoga, yoga. Practice yoga by yourself, practice yoga with friends and family members and help introduce the children in your life to yoga with Wai Lana’s Little Yogis videos and DVDs. Your enthusiasm will be contagious, and you’ll soon find that you’re not the only one celebrating health and fitness this year!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Mango Chutney
This is a beautiful and tasty dish! It's mango season now in Asian countries. Really beautiful pictures and wonderful recipes in this the Veggie Belly blog as well!

from: Veggie Belly

Green Mango Pickle
makes about 2 cups
1 large firm, green mango
¼ cup vegetable oil
½ tsp mustard seeds
2 pinches asafoetida
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp red chili/cayenne powder. Use paprika for less heat.
¼ tsp fenugreek powder, see below for method
¾ tbsp salt
Green (raw) Mango Pickle
How to make fenugreek powder: toast fenugreek seeds in a skillet on a low flame. Once they are fragrant, about 2 minutes, turn off heat and let the fenugreek cool. Then grind in a food processor to a fine powder. Store in an air tight container.
Using a sharp knife, cut the mango and discard the core. Chop the mango into very tiny pieces. Or you could zip it through a food chopper.
Place the chopped mango in a bowl. Place the turmeric, chili powder and fenugreek powder in a little mound on top of the chopped mango.
Green (raw) Mango Pickle
Heat the oil in a small skillet and add the mustard seeds. When they start to pop, add the asafoetida and turn off the heat. Pour the hot oil with the mustard seeds and asafoetida over the mound of turmeric, chili powder and fenugreek. Add the salt. Stir till everything is well combined.
When the pickle is cool, put it in an airtight container and refrigerate.
This pickle is great as a condiment with Indian food. I also enjoy it with pita bread and hummus or stirred into pasta or couscous.
from: Veggie Belly
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Noni care
I am very satisfied with these two products:

Noni Soap
I was born with bad skin and have had to constantly switch shampoos and soaps through the years. In the end I would always have to use baby shampoos and soaps. Now that I'm using Wai lana's natural shampoos and soaps, I think I'm pretty much sold! My skin's been great, and the white spots on my face that come as an allergic reaction to many different types of shampoos- are gone. :)
This is pretty awesome. I definitely recommend these products to anyone and everyone.

Noni Shampoo

Noni Soap
I was born with bad skin and have had to constantly switch shampoos and soaps through the years. In the end I would always have to use baby shampoos and soaps. Now that I'm using Wai lana's natural shampoos and soaps, I think I'm pretty much sold! My skin's been great, and the white spots on my face that come as an allergic reaction to many different types of shampoos- are gone. :)
This is pretty awesome. I definitely recommend these products to anyone and everyone.
Fun Songs CD & Lyrics Book
This remains to be the favorite book and cd combo of my two nieces, who- at ages 5 and 2, have memorized every song and can sing along in perfect pitch. Their parents are both professional musicians, hence their great ear. When my 2 year old niece was hospitalized, she sang herself to sleep, singing songs from this wonderful combo.

yoga music
fun songs
Fun Songs CD & Lyrics Book
Running time: 50 minutes
Price: $18.95
Wai Lana’s latest fun-filled music fest will have the whole family singing, dancing, humming, and tapping! Unlike anything you’ve ever heard before, this inspiring album unites Wai Lana with some of the world’s finest musicians to bring you 12 educational songs that are uplifting, inspirational, and wonderful fun for the young, old, and everyone in between! Fun Songs comes with an adorable cartoon songbook filled with favorite funny characters and complete song lyrics. A bundle of wholesome entertainment, this is one CD the whole family will agree on.
• Inspires and motivates kids
• Encourages quality family time
• Enjoyable music for parents as well
• Promotes physical exercise, learning, and even relaxation
• Perfect for car rides, parties, fitness and play times
• Offers uplifting music and engaging lyrics
• Balances fun, learning, music, and yoga
• Fosters the imagination
Just try to sit still!
CD Tracks
Laugh, learn, and sing along to 12 bouncy, feel-good tunes the whole family will love!
1: Yoga Fun Play Sample
2: Balloon Belly Play Sample
3: Flutter little Butterfly Play Sample
4: Happy Dog Sleepy Cat
5: Stretch long like a Cobra Play Sample
6: King of the Jungle Play Sample
7: Strong like a Mountain Play Sample | Songs Book page sample
8: Let me be like a Tree Play Sample | Songs Book page sample
9: Building a Bridge Together Play Sample
10: Rocking Beetle
11: Daydream Adventure Play Sample
12: Seabird Lullaby
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Yoga Combo for Kids
Reviewer: New Age Retailer, June 2006
Through her wonderful products, Wai Lana makes yoga and all its benefits easy, accessible, and enjoyable for children of all ages. Wai Lana’s Little Yogis Fun Songs CD & Lyrics Book brings listeners the opportunity for entertainment and healthful movement in an easy-to-use format.
The 50-minute CD contains 12 happy and upbeat good-mood songs—perfect for dancing, doing yoga, or just plain relaxing. Parents can pop it into a car player and make a long trip a fun time. The songs are educational and provide hours of inspiration and entertainment for the whole family while promoting physical fitness and well-being.
The 84-page songbook is full of bright colors, adorable cartoon characters, joyful illustrations, and easy-to-read larger-print lyrics. The book is quite enjoyable to follow along with the CD or to read on its own.
Both pieces are packaged in a molded plastic folder, which makes displaying the book-and-CD combo a breeze. Kids will be drawn to the lively and bright product covers, while parents will be sold on the potential benefits of balancing fun with learning.
—New Age Retailer, June 2006
Yoga For Little People
Reviewer: Yoga Magazine (UK), March 2006
For the little yogis and yoginis in your life, this CD compilation contains a range of songs to help make the practice of yoga easier and fun. It’s perfect for kids aged 3 to 99.
Fun Songs combines Wai Lana’s beautiful, inspiring vocals with the finest musicians. Accompanying the CD is a beautifully illustrated songbook packed with favorite Little Yogi characters and complete song lyrics.
—Yoga Magazine (UK), March 2006
First Impressions
Reviewer: TD Monthly, February 2006
The colorful packaging attracts the eye and gives a good idea of the kind of fun, cheerful music inside. The CD of 12 catchy songs comes with a cartoon songbook filled with lyrics so children can sing along.
I took the CD to my arts classroom last week and so far it is the only CD that we have used through the whole week. The children are 4 years old and just love every single song. They don’t want to listen to any other CD. It is fun to listen to the songs while at the same time learning about animals and trees.
This is a great CD for teachers to use in their classrooms, or for parents to share with their children.
—TD Monthly, February 2006
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional System
New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional System
It's rare for something to come along that impresses me so much as a healing modality that it instantly changes my own life habits. But I've recently been introduced to a plant-based medicinal modality that's so incredibly effective at preventing and reversing disease that I believe it is "the" cure for cancer society has been looking for. And in this article, I'm going to share with you what I know about this system.
I believe it's not only a cure for many cancers, it's also a documented, proven cure for type-2 diabetes (a disease the American Diabetes Association laughingly claims "has no cure"). It can also completely reverse heart disease, depression, most mood disorders, liver disease, kidney stones, chronic inflammation, arthritis, gout, urinary tract infections, asthma and numerous other health conditions.
What could this amazing nutritional medicine be? I'll give you a hint: It's not one single nutrient, food or superfood. In fact, it's a combination of literally thousands of known phytochemicals (and probably thousands more that have yet to be discovered). If you're stuck with a troubling health condition and don't know how to solve it, this may be just the nutritional answer you've been looking for.
I'll give you some other clues about what this is:
• It's not a product you can buy. No supplement company makes it. In fact, it is impossible to manufacture in a factory because it has a shelf life of only a day or so.
• You make it yourself in your kitchen using simple ingredients found at any grocery store.
• The health benefits of its nutritional constituents are backed by literally thousands of scientific studies.
• It's based entirely on medicine from Mother Nature and contains absolutely nothing made by Man.
• It's not available by prescription. The FDA has no clue this even exists.
• It has absolutely no negative side effects. No one has ever been harmed or killed by using this natural source of medicine.
• It halts cancer better than chemotherapy, stabilizes blood sugar (and reverses diabetes) better than diabetes drugs, reverses heart disease better than cardiovascular drugs, and stabilizes moods and mental function better than antidepressants.
• It creates radiant skin, happy moods, clean breath and loads of natural energy.
• It's something you can start right now and continue for a life time.
• It's incredibly delicious. Once you try this, you'll want more.
• It's affordable! It's actually no more expensive than the processed foods it replaces.
With this good news, it's only another reason to start taking juices! Try out Wai Lana's Juice book for it. Her juices are absolutely wonderful. I love the fat burner too. :)
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