Beginner's Headstand with Corner
Try the Beginner's Headstand with Corner asana
along with Wai Lana . . .
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Headstand can be tricky, but using a corner for support makes balancing a lot easier.
1. Kneel down directly in front of the corner. Place your interlocked fingers 2 to 4 inches in front of the corner (the closer, the better). Your elbows should be shoulder-width apart. Open your hands, pointing your thumbs up.
2. Bring your head to the floor between your hands so the back of your head rests against your palms. Turn your toes under.
3. Straighten your legs, lift your hips, and walk your feet in so the top of your head rolls onto the floor. Move your shoulders away from your ears.
4. Bend your knees and jump up, bringing your feet to each side of the corner.
5. Slowly straighten one leg, then the other. Keep your heels together. Contract your thighs and buttocks, lifting your entire body upward. Breathe normally, remaining as motionless as possible. Your body should be quite straight. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, gradually extending the time you remain in the pose.
6. To come down, carefully bend one knee, then the other. Bring your knees to your chest and lower your feet to the floor. Place your forehead on your hands to rest.
Focus in the Pose…
Have most of your weight evenly balanced over the tripod formed by your hands and forearms so that the crown of your head rests lightly on the floor. As you lift, extend both legs so that your feet move further up the wall. Feel light.
Your buttocks may or may not touch the walls depending on your build and how far your hands are from the corner.
You can also relax in this pose. Continue to press your arms down and keep your shoulders lifted to help support your weight, but relax the rest of your body. This enables blood to flow back to your heart more easily.
• Revitalizes the entire body
• Rejuvenates the brain
• Strengthens the lungs
• Regulates the glandular system
Wailana's Asana of the Week
It's not called king of the asanas for nothing!