Water is something we rarely think of, and many people have no appreciation for it. With all the global warming problems, run-offs and what not, it's sad to think how polluted everything will become if we don't do anything about it.
Anyhow, on a healthy note- drink good amounts of water (at least 2 liters a day- when you aren't exercising) to help keep healthy. It will help keep weight off, aid your digestion, and mental clarity. Our bodies contain high amounts of liquid, so if there is an imbalance, it can and will lead to many different problems.
It has been studied and proven by many scientists (Read: "Our Bodies' Many Cries for Water") that many problems people experience, like heart burn, can be helped, if not cured by drinking more water! And it is also said that 60% of the time that we feel hungry, we are actually experiencing dehydration. So drink and drink and keep healthy!
After practicing Hatha Yoga, have a glass of water to help further flush out the toxins that your yoga practice just helped squeeze out.