Saturday, November 29, 2008

WiFi in schools puts children at real risk

Some alarming news about wifi:
WiFi in schools puts children at real risk

We at Mast Sanity are campaigning for WiFi to be removed from schools pending proof of safety which has never been shown.

On the contrary, much of the scientific evidence, and there are thousands of papers on microwave radiation, point to harmful effects such as DNA damage and cancers in the medium term.
To put WiFi in schools is simply unacceptable and unethical.
We already know what the Government’s ‘research’ on WiFi in schools will say.

We already know the exposures are similar to being in the main beam from a phone mast as we have already measured them. It does not take two years and £300,000 of taxpayers money.
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines do not protect the public from anything but heating in the short term. They do not protect against any other effects from constant exposure.

At a recent conference in London the head of the Russian equivalent organisation, Prof Grigoriev, said the guidelines are out of date and the safety of the future generations is not assured.
The Health Protection Agency will merely compare their results with these out of date guidelines and say that WiFi is fine.

Meanwhile, we have reports of teachers suffering effects such as migraines from WiFi exposure.
No one knows what the children are suffering as no one has done a health survey and no one will.
