Asana Video of the week: Toes and Palms Balance Pose
Toes and Palms Balance Pose
Everyone knows that push-ups make your arms strong. In this push-up-like yoga pose, you'll strengthen your arms without even moving.
1. Kneel down and sit on your heels.
2. Lean forward and fully extend your arms.
3. Lift your buttocks and come onto all fours.
4. Inhale and lift your knees from the floor, straightening your legs. Lower your buttocks until your body forms a straight line. Raise your head and look forward. Press your hands firmly down and lift away from them. Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds, breathing slowly and deeply.
5. Lower your knees to the floor, then sit on your heels to rest.
Focus in the Pose...
Make sure your buttocks are neither too high nor too low. Your body should be as straight as a plank from your heels to your shoulders.
To Intensify the Pose...
Contract your buttocks and thighs, squeezing them together and up toward the waist. Hold as long as you can, then release and repeat.
•Strengthens the wrists, arms, and shoulders
•Firms the abs and buttocks
•Tones the nervous system