Monday, September 28, 2009

Cooking for the season

My grandmother always emphasized the need to eat according to season. Now that fall is here, I have gotten out my new Wai Lana Favorite Soups book I got from Amazon. I love the colors, aromas, and flavors so far. I am excited to try everything.

I've always been a soup person, and this is just the book for me. I've tried many other soup recipes before, in fact, at least a third of all my recipe books are soup books! I do love variety too, and that's one thing that I love so much with Wailana yoga's favorite soups. It's like, all in one type of recipes. There are over 300 recipes in this book, making it worth every penny. Besides, you know how there are some books which are just no good? Like you can try and try the recipes but they come out horribly. That's one thing I don't have to worry about with Wai Lana's books, and, just like any other buyer, I want to get what I am paying for. This is what I call a deal.