Here are some excerpts:
Take a holistic approach to beating depression
Authors urge holistic approach combining yoga and meditation
Kimberly Hayes Taylor / Detroit News Health Writer
Depression was always a part of Elle Garfield's life.
Her depressed moods came and went like waves through her 20s, enduring tough times such as losing both parents between ages 19 and 22. But soon after the birth of her third child in her early 30s, depression came to stay. She felt so bad, she checked herself into a hospital for a few days.
"I was crying a lot and feeling hopeless," Garfield says. "I had very low energy. I had trouble sleeping, or I would sleep all the time. My appetite left, and I didn't have a desire to eat. I was losing weight and isolating more. Every area of my life was affected by it."
It makes me happy to know that more people are becoming aware of the fact that yoga really helps depression. It really is a great way to get out of that very sad life. Depression is never a very nice thing to be experiencing. I very much have loved this: Wai Lana Yoga Dance and give much credit to her and to all that fun - to helping me out of depression.
Love to all