Friday, August 21, 2009

Wonder basil

I've been reading about different herbs and the like and how good they are for us. One of the herbs was basil. I am already a huge fan of basil, but this makes it even better.

Benefits of Basil

Basil is beneficial in any form for well being of body. You can opt for having basil leaves on daily basis; it helps to strengthen your immune system.

You can also add basil in your daily diet plan. You can also add basil as a form of natural remedy to cure health problems.

Here are some benefits of basil you can keep in mind:

Basil is very effective for curing any type of headache. For curing your headache, you can opt for juice of basil leaves on daily basis. You can also make a paste of few basil leaves. When you have severe headache, you can directly apply this paste. You can also mix basil leave paste along with sandalwood. It effectively helps to reduce the pain caused by headache.

Basil is very effective in curing various types of skin problems. This can include different types of allergies and skin infection. Basil can also cure skin infections like ringworm. You can make a paste of few basil leaves along with some neem water.

Daily application of this paste can help to provide respite from the condition of skin infection. It can cure your skin allergy in a week’s time. Many people also opt for neem powder along with basil leaves.

Having basil on daily basis can also help to improve your breathing pattern. People suffering from breathing difficulties can opt for chewing of basil leaves on regular basis. It helps to increase the oxygen level of your body. Even people suffering from asthma can opt for having basil juice or leaves on daily basis.

Basil juice is effective in curing common cold in an effective manner. You can opt for having basil juice along with some honey for curing the condition of cold. You can opt for some basil leaves along with warm water and have it twice in a day. You can mix some ginger juice along with basil juice.

Basil can also be opted in the form of herbal tea. You can have herbal basil tea on daily basis. It helps to prevent against various types of diseases.

These are some of the main health benefits of basil.

Try some of Wai Lana's wonderful fresh fruit juices. Some of them have basil thrown in there and they are simply wonderful.