I recently joined a health group. There are about 40 other adults in the group. We had a little meeting tonight and I let them try out some of the blueberry yogurt I've been making. Everyone loved it. It started out a conversation about food, and the relationship between food and health. There were a few people who started to get rather edgy because some other people mentioned that being a vegetarian is so much healthier. Of course, most of us in the group agree, as we've tried it out and all. The two groups- those who agreed vegetarianism is healthier- and those who think it's not necessary to go vegetarian- have a deal now. We're going to have a 3 month cook fest. The only rule is: bias should be left at the door whenever we meet.
I'm planning to do cook a bunch of meals from Wai Lana Yoga's website. I think those recipes that use seitan will be a hit. Her desserts are also wonderful. I think Wai Lana has some of the best eggless cakes I've ever had. Come to think of it, had I not tried out the vegetarian recipes of Wai Lana and several other great recipes, I don't think I would've been convinced that vegetarianism is the way to go.