I was thinking about how some people just make themselves blind to everything going on around them. They'd just rather not see the pain, the suffering, the lack of life, and happiness of all the people around them. They'd rather not see the suffering that animals go through, or the ruination being done to the environment. They don't want to see all this because they'll have to change the way they live. They'll have to... do something about it or make themselves harder. So eventually people live in this veil of illusion- where, basically, "ignorance is bliss".
So what got me thinking about all this? I stumbled on Animals Need Help. I've been an advocate of animal protection and environmental awareness for most of my life. I continue to fight against animal abuse and environmental destruction by trying to open the eyes of people about how it isn't actually necessary to create so much destruction and pain in the world.
This is actually one aspect that practicing Wai Lana Yoga has awoken in me. By practicing hatha yoga I have become more aware of myself. It made me more aware of the things happening around me, and to me- and therefore it's made me also more aware of other people. It just awakened me to a whole new existence.
Oh and side note- Wai Lana's got some new products! She's got some supplements out. I'm going to try them for sure. I'm going to order a big bunch while they're all on sale still and give my friends and family these supplements for thanksgiving and Christmas.