weekly asanas
This supported twist feels great! It releases tight back muscles and tones your waist at the same time.
1. Lie on your back with your legs extended. Interlock your fingers behind your head, pressing your elbows toward the floor.
2. Inhale and bend your knees to your chest.
3. Exhale and lower your legs to the right, pivoting from the waist. Bring them down as far as possible without lifting your left elbow.
4. Inhale and bring your legs back to center, then exhale and lower them to the left. Repeat 5 to 10 times on each side.
5. Bring your legs back to center, then extend them. Lower your arms and relax.
Keep your knees together even if your legs don't come all the way to the floor. As your body loosens up, you'll be able to inch them a little closer. Press your elbows down to increase the spinal twist in your upper back and chest.
Coordinate your movements with your breath. Exhale as you lower your legs, inhale as you bring them back to center.
• Releases lower back tension
• Relieves gas and constipation
• Eases mild sciatica
• Strengthens and massages your abdominal muscles and organs
So easy, yet effective and feels good. You can watch the video here.